Kvkk Illumination Text

Kvkk Illumination Text


importance is given to the privacy and security of your personal data. For this reason, in accordance with Article 10 of the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, we process your personal data as explained below and within the limits drawn in the relevant legislation. With this text, we are fulfilling our legal obligation to inform. Personal data of relevant persons processed by our institution; • Identity: Name and surname. • Contact: Telephone number, residential address, e-mail address. 1-Purposes of Processing Your Personal Data Your personal data; It is processed for the purposes of following up requests and complaints. 2- Transfer of Your Personal Data and Purposes of Transfer Your personal data; is not passed on to third parties. 3-The Processing Method and Legal Reason of Your Personal Data Your personal data; The "explicitly stipulated in the Laws" specified in the law is processed based on the legal reason. These data are processed manually by the method of filing and keeping in the relevant units of our institution. 4-Rights and Methods of Exercising the Rights of the Relevant Person within the Scope of the Law No. 6698 In accordance with Article 11 of the Relevant Law, it is possible to make the following requests regarding your personal data by applying to our institution. a) To learn whether your personal data is being processed, b) To request information if your personal data has been processed, c) To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose, ç) To know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred, d) To request correction of your data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed, e) To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data, even if your personal data has been processed in accordance with the legal regulations, in case the reasons for processing these disappear, f) Regarding your personal data that are corrected or deleted/destroyed upon your request. To request that the correction/deletion/destroying transactions made, if any, be notified to the third parties to whom they have been transferred, g) To object if a result arises against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems, In the event that your data is damaged due to unlawful processing, it is possible to request the compensation of the damage. You can convey these rights listed within the scope of the legislation to the Data Controller in accordance with the Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles. Büyükdere Mahallesi, Sehit Ercan Özlek Sokak. No: 7, 26950 Odunpazarı/Eskişehir address, by filling out the application form at https://www.medcezirapart.com/, directly or by sending a registered letter with return receipt. Our institution will conclude your request free of charge as soon as possible and within 30 (thirty) days at the latest, depending on the nature of the request. However, if the transaction requires a separate cost, the fee schedule determined by the Personal Data Protection Authority will be taken as a basis by the data controller. If your request is accepted, it will be fulfilled. However, if your application is rejected as a result of the examination and evaluation, you will be notified in writing or electronically, together with the reason for the rejection. Detailed information about your rights to apply to the data controller and to complain to the board can be found in article 13 and further articles of the KVKK. In addition, you can submit your change or update requests regarding your personal data to our institution as stated above.


REGARDING THE PROTECTION AND PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA STUDENT EXPRESS CONSENT TEXT In accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698, as Medcezir Erkek Apart (“Data Controller”), we request your express consent regarding the following matters within the scope of processing your personal data, except for the exceptions of the law: For the purpose of recording the organization and activities and sharing them on social media; I expressly consent to the processing and storage of my child's (Visual and Audio Records) data. I hereby declare that I have been informed by the data controller with the "Institutional Illumination TEXT ON THE PROTECTION AND PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA" before this text, and that I have knowingly and willingly consented to the above. Name-Surname : Signature :

Contact Us

You can access between Monday - Saturday 08:00 - 19:30.

Center Hostel: Büyükdere Mahallesi, Sehit Ercan Özlek Street. Num:7, PC: 26950 Odunpazarı/Eskişehir

Telephone: +90 0 533 978 38 84

E-Mail: info@medcezirapart.com

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